June E-Blast
June is here, and with it wonderful weather for cycling...we hope! Keep reading for info about bikes, bike rides, bike tours and bike repair...You might call us single-minded here at the Wheelhouse.
The shop is open Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. with the following two exceptions: We are closed on Monday, June 24 due to the Fireworks and will be open holiday hours of 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Independence Day, Thursday, July 4.
As more and more people shop online and at big box stores, there is fear within the bike industry that the independent bike shop is an endangered species. Wheelhouse strives to offer a well-thought out selection of bikes and bike accessories about which our staff can knowledgably speak. We are confident that neither the world wide web nor Big-Marts can compete with us there. So shop smart, shop local, shop Wheelhouse!
We carry the following brands, all of which we believe to be of great quality and fairly priced: Sun cruisers, comfort hybrids & adult trikes; Origin 8 urban commuters & folding bikes; Kona hybrids & cyclocross; Brooklyn Cruisers; Continental, Kenda & Michelin tires; helmets from Bell, Giro, Lazer & 661; Michelin & Q tubes; auto racks from Saris (made in the USA!); bike racks from Topeak, Wald (made in the USA!) & Axiom; Park Tool floor pumps & tools; Knog & Planet Bike lights; bottle cages from King Cage (made in the USA!) & Dimension; Timbuk2 & Jandd bags; & locks from Kryptonite...plus pedals, bells, handlebar grips & tape; tubes; frame pumps; baske ts...whatever your cycling pleasure!
Investing in your bike by adding a rack or a basket, swapping out knobby tires for slicks or installing lights can make a huge impact in its functionality. Next thing you know, your butt is on a bike on the regular!
SALE! We're ready for all of our 2012 bikes to find good homes, so we are really slashing prices.
Origin 8 F1 single speed folding bike: REG $350 NOW $275
Dew Deluxe 49cm: REG $849 NOW $679
Civia Twin City single speed: REG $595 NOW $500
Wheelhouse's service feedback has been really great this year, between the efficiency of our new Point-of-Sale system and the excellence of the work that mechanic Dave Burke puts into every bike. So what are you waiting for? Bring that ride in for a tune-up that will get you back on the road in better shape than ever!
Our full menu of service prices can be found here. Please note that, in almost every case, service requires that you drop off your bike. We also offer Service Delivery! Yep, we can pick-up and/or drop-off your wounded cycle anywhere in Detroit, Hamtramck, Highland Park and the inner ring suburbs. For pricing, please visit our Service Page.
Tour season is in full swing! We pride ourselves on offering an authentic experience that will be informative to visitors and lifers alike. Oh yeah, and they are fun! Please scroll our Tours Page for details and to make reservations.
We also offer private tours, which are great as a corporate team-building exercise, staff outing, non-profit fund-raiser, conference activity or pre-wedding excursion. A downloadable PDF with more info can be found here.
We have expanded our rental fleet, adding more cruisers, some comfort hybrids, an adult tricyle and an additional kids trailer. Online advance reservations available for a 10% discount. Reservations are recommended, particularly on weekends, as we sometimes do run out of bikes at peak hours.
WEEKDAY WALK-IN SPECIAL: On Tuesdays and Thursdays, a 2-hour cruiser rental is half-off, just $7.50. Fine print: cruisers only, no reservations, subject to availability.
GOT GROUP? We offer discounts to groups of six to 20 with advance notice and a deposit. More info available at Wheelhouse Group Rentals and Schools & Scouts. We can also deliver bikes to your event; inquire at info@wheelhousedetroit.com.
It's great to see so many health-oriented businesses sprouting up around town, and we are partnering with several of them for some fantastic fun-n-fit activities through the summer months. We have Wheelhouse Workouts every other Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m., a free 12-15MPH ride; bi-weekly Endurance Thursdays, a free group ride that will be paced at 15-18MPH from 6-8 p.m. held in partnership with Detroit Endurance Lab; and a series of fitness tours with True Body Fitness. More info here.
Our Basic Maintenance Classes w/Fender Bender are back! This two-hour class will teach you some introductory mechanics like how to change a flat and will go over some basic rules of the road and commuting tips. Classes cost just $5 and include a patch kit. Dates for the rest of the year are Jun 27 - Jul 11 - Jul 25 - Aug 8 - Aug 22 - Sep 12 - Sep 2.
As biking becomes more and more visible as a form of transportation, more and more events are adding bike parking as an amenity, and we are happy to help out! You'll find us at Detroit City FC home matches at Cass Tech (next up: tonight vs. Zanesville FC at 7:30 p.m.) and Riviere 28's Soiree on the Greenway on July 18...more to come!
We are a proud sponsor of two upcoming rides that are raising funds for some deserving causes.
On June 22, suit up for the Fourth Annual Compuware Motor City Bike Ride, which offers 20-mile fun ride and a Metric Century (62-mile) option. The event raises funds for the Danialle Karmanos Work It Out Foundation in support of youth health and wellness. Find out more and register here.
The Second Annual SASHA Center Detroit Bike Tour Fundraiser is set for June 23 at noon. We'll take off from the Wheelhouse and enjoy a casual ride through the Greater Downtown area with stops at organizations that assist survivors of sexual assault -- key to SASHA's mission. It also includes a lunch stop at Goodwells! Find out more and register at their website.
Hope to see you soon and that you're having a great summer!
Thanks, Your Friends at Wheelhouse Detroit
May E-Blast
Happy May! Wheelhouse Detroit Bike Shop began operations on May 8, 2008. We are now entering our sixth year of business...in some ways, it seems like just yesterday that we opened our doors and, in others, decades ago! As that wise man Bob Dylan once sang, "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now."
We'd like to sincerely thank you for being a part of the Wheelhouse family. We would not be here without you, and that's the plain truth.
We have been working hard to make this year our biggest and best ever and, therefore, this E-Blast might be our longest ever. Bear with us, we have some great news to share!
Wheelhouse strives to sell bicycles that are well-suited for urban riding; straddle the line of value and quality; and are made by a reputable manufacturer. We carry the following brands:
- Sun - cruisers, comfort hybrids & adult trikes.
- Origin 8 - Sun's urban offshoot; urban commuters, folding.
- Kona - hybrids, cyclocross.
- Brooklyn Cruiser - retro-styled cruisers.
- Detroit Bikes - locally manufactured urban commuters (avail. in July).
Wheelhouse might be small in square footage, but we've become pretty adept at keeping a robust array of bike goodies on hand for all of your needs and wants. We stock a full range of top bike accessory brands such as Continental, Topeak, Planet Bike, Bell, Giro, Axiom, Saris, Kenda, Park Tool, Knog, Michelin, Timbuk2, Kryptonite, Master Lock, Pedros and Jandd. What do you need? A tube, tire, saddle, bag, basket, pump, mirror, helmet…We’ve gotcha covered! And if you're in the market for a sharp Wheelhouse t-shirt, you can grab one of those on your next visit, or snap one up online.
We recently installed a new POS system, which was an opportune time for us to review our service prices. Rather than merely increasing them, we've broken them down in a way that we believe to be transparent. There's no man behind the curtain here! Check out our full menu of service prices here. Please note that, in almost every case, service requires that you drop off your bike. We will do our best to let you know when it will be ready for pick-up. We all want to see you back riding as soon as possible, but to do things right can sometimes take some time.
We are excited to announce that we now offer Service Delivery! Yep, we can pick-up and/or drop-off your wounded cycle. For pricing, please visit our Service Page.
Our tour schedule for 2013 is finalized! A couple of notes worth mentioning: Our Underground Railroad Tour has added a stop at the Detroit Historical Museum to visit their recently renovated Doorway to Freedom exhibit; the Belle Isle tour has included a stop at the Acquarium to the roster; and we've developed a Music Heritage Tour that spans genres -- techno, rock, rap, soul, punk and Motown. You can scroll our Tours Page for details and to make reservations.
We also offer private tours, which are great as a corporate team-building exercise, non-profit fund-raiser, conference activity or pre-wedding excursion. A downloadable PDF with more info can be found here.
We are expanding our rental fleet, adding more cruisers, some comfort hybrids, an adult tricycle and an additional kids trailer. We will also soon have a couple of Autobikes! Online advance reservations available for a 10% discount.
WEEKDAY WALK-IN SPECIAL: On Tuesdays and Thursdays, a 2-hour cruiser rental is half-off, just $7.50. Fine print: cruisers only, no reservations, subject to availability.
GOT A GROUP? We offer discounts to groups of six to 20 with advance notice and a deposit. More info available at Wheelhouse Group Rentals and Schools & Scouts. We can also deliver bikes to your event; inquire at info@wheelhousedetroit.com.
We have a lot going on, which might be an understatement. Read on...
It's great to see so many health-oriented businesses sprouting up around town, and we are partnering with several of them for some fantastic fun-n-fit activities through the summer months. We have Wheelhouse Workouts every other Wednesday from 6 to 8 p.m., a free 12-15MPH ride; bi-weekly Endurance Thursdays, a free group ride that will be paced at 15-18MPH from 6-8 p.m. held in partnership with Detroit Endurance Lab; and a series of fitness tours with True Body Fitness. More info here.
We are also offering Cycle + Stretch with Midtown Yoga Shelter on May 19, register for that on our Tours Page.
A couple of annual rides that we are helping out with is the Ride of Silence on May 15 at 7 p.m. on Belle Isle and Cycle Into Spring on May 18 at Maheras Gentry Park.
Our Basic Maintenance Classes w/Fender Bender are back! This two-hour class will teach you some basic mechanics like changing a flat and go over some basic rules of the road and commuting tips. Classes cost just $5 and include a patch kit. Dates for the year: May 30 - Jun 13 - Jun 27 - Jul 11 - Jul 25 - Aug 8 - Aug 22 - Sep 12 - Sep 2.
As biking becomes more and more visible as a form of transportation, more and more events are adding bike parking as an amenity, and we are happy to help out! You'll find us at Detroit City FC home matches at Cass Tech; Detroit Tigers Bike to the Ballpark on May 22, and Riviere 28's Light up the Riverfront on June 6 and Soiree on the Greenway on July 18. More to come!
We're going to venture up to Port Austin for the weekend of June 7 for Detroit Up North - Take Two. More info about the 75- and 150-mile options, camping and more here!
Hope we see you soon -- and that we've given plenty of reasons for that to occur. Ride often and well.
Thanks, Your Friends at Wheelhouse Detroit
April E-Blast
Hi everyone, It feels like we are still waiting for spring to begin, doesn't it? Now is the best time to bring your bike in for service, before you want to ride it, so it's ready for you when the weather turns. Plus, a basic tune-up is on special for just $40 for the rest of the month!
Wheelhouse carries the following bicycle brands: Sun and its urban offshoot, Origin 8; Kona; and, new for 2013, Brooklyn Cruiser and Detroit Bikes. Brooklyn Cruisers (pictured) come in single-, three- and seven-speeds and will begin arriving next week. Detroit Bikes, much like the Model T, are manufactured here and come in one color: black. They're expected to be here in July.
Every bike purchased from Wheelhouse is assembled by a trained mechanic, professionally fit and granted one free tune-up – with no expiration date. Prices slashed on all 2012 bikes and 2013 bikes are now arriving!
Want to ride more? You might need lights, a rack or fenders to make your ride safer and more comfortable. And guess what? We stock a full range of top bike accessory brands such as Continental, Topeak, Planet Bike, Bell, Giro, Axiom, Saris, Kenda, Park Tool, Knog, Michelin, Timbuk2, Kryptonite, Master Lock, Pedros and Jandd. What do you need? A tube, tire, saddle, bag, basket, pump, mirror, helmet…We’ve gotcha covered!
This weather has caused us to postpone the start of our tour season a week, so we'll kick off the season with a tour of Belle Isle on April 20. Visit wheelhousedetroit.com/tours to read up on our offerings and make a reservation.
We also offer private tours, which are great as a corporate team-building exercise, non-profit fund-raiser, conference activity or pre-wedding excursion. Group rentals are also available at a discounted rate with an advance reservation. A downloadable PDF with more info can be found here and you can email us at info@wheelhousedetroit.com to set something up.
There are so many amazing things approaching on the horizon...May will see the start of our fitness rides and maintenance classes and the Detroit City FC will kick off its season...June is Detroit Up North, River Days and the Motor City Bike Ride...July will be Bike the Bridge...and Tour de Troit is September 21...whew!
Also, stay tuned for info about our 5th Anniversary party in early May...You're invited!
Warmer weather is on its way, and we are looking forward to another great season here on the Riverfront.
Thanks, Your Friends at Wheelhouse Detroit
1340 E. Atwater Rivard Plaza, Detroit RiverFront Detroit, MI 48207 313-656-BIKE (2453) www.wheelhousedetroit.com Follow us on Twitter @wheelhouse_det Become a Facebook Fan of Wheelhouse Detroit Bike Shop!
March 2013 E-Blast
We're back! Can you believe this will be our sixth year in business?!?!? We have a ton of exciting things in the works for you this year but, for now, we just want to say a quick "hello" and let you know what is happening in this early spring season.
Through March, we will be open Fridays and Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Starting in April, we will also be open on Mondays and we'll go to seven days a week in May.
Wheelhouse carries the following bicycle brands: Sun and its urban offshoot, Origin 8; Kona; and, new for 2013, we are thrilled to announce that we will be adding Brooklyn Cruiser and Detroit Bikes to the roster! Every bike purchased from Wheelhouse is assembled by a trained mechanic, professionally fit and granted one free tune-up – with no expiration date. Prices now slashed on all 2012 bikes. 2013 bikes will begin arriving in April, just two weeks away!
We stock a full range of top bike accessory brands such as Continental, Topeak, Planet Bike, Bell, Giro, Axiom, Saris, Kenda, Park Tool, Knog, Michelin, Timbuk2, Kryptonite, Master Lock, Pedros and Jandd. What do you need? A tube, tire, saddle, bag, basket, fenders, pump, mirror, helmet…We’ve gotcha covered!
We have a couple of early-season specials on standard tune-ups:
Next weekend, we have a March du Nain Rouge Special -- a Tune-Up for just $35 with a small catch: you have to say, “Get that Nain off my back!” to get the deal! This is good only for bikes brought in March 22 to 24.
The remainder of Spring, we will perform tune-ups for $40, with the price resetting to regular ($50) starting May 1.
For the second year running, Wheelhouse is teaming up with Fender Bender to offer regular “Maintenance 101” classes! Learn how to change a flat and make adjustments to your bike. We’ll also review Rules of the Road and discuss commuting tips. Classes will begin in May and run through September.
We will be returning all of our tours from 2012 – including Architecture, Belle Isle, Eastern Market, Public Art, Hamtramck, Auto Heritage, Urban Agriculture, Murals of SW Detroit and Underground Railroad – and we’re working on a couple of new ones too! Tours start at $25 per person or $35 with a bike rental.
Look for our calendar to publish in early April. In the meantime, if you’d like to schedule a tour for your group (work, church, school, family, friends, whatever!) shoot us an email at info@wheelhousedetroit.com!
Bike rentals start at $15 for 2 hours and $35 for a full day. We can also accommodate multi-day rentals and we do offer accessories such as child trailer or seat or an auto rack.
Group rentals are a great outing! We do offer a price-break for groups of six to 20 with an advance reservation. Email info@wheelhousedetroit.com to book your date!
Starting in May, we will be hosting a couple of regular fitness rides. One will be at a 12-16 mph pace and is co-sponsored by the Detroit RiverFront Conservancy and Fitness Works. The other will be a 16-20 mph pace and will be co-presented by Detroit Endurance Lab.
Also stay tuned for Yoga + Ride with Midtown Yoga Shelter Sundays in May, the Ride of Silence (5/15), Detroit Up North (6/7 to 6/9), bike-parking at Detroit City FC home matches…and lots, lots more!
We look forward to seeing you and your bike very soon.
Thanks, Your Friends at Wheelhouse Detroit
1340 E. Atwater Rivard Plaza, Detroit RiverFront Detroit, MI 48207 313-656-BIKE (2453) www.wheelhousedetroit.com Follow us on Twitter @wheelhouse_det Become a Facebook Fan of Wheelhouse Detroit Bike Shop!
June E-Blast
Hello there, Wheelhouse friend! Please accept our apologies for being so super late with our monthly e-blast but, guess what? We've been busy! So here's a brief note to get us through the Fourth of July holiday and then hopefully we will get back on schedule!
We are open Monday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. with the following exceptions: We are closed on Monday, June 25 due to the Fireworks. We will be open holiday hours of 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 4.
2012 Detroit River Days Festival If you are visiting the shop this weekend, please be mindful that that the 2012 River Days Festival will be in full swing, happening June 22-24, 2012! Thousands of Detroiters and visitors will be visiting the Detroit International Riverfront with the return of the this fantastic festival, so anticipate pedestrian traffic on your ride over, or increased vehicular traffic if you are driving (please note that the Rivard Plaza parking lot adjacent to our shop is closed for festival staging).
Tour Info Be sure to visit wheelhousedetroit.com/tours to read up on our complete roster of offerings and to make a reservation as many of them do sell out. We cap registration at 15 riders to ensure a safe ride and that everyone can hear the guide!
We also book private tours, some with families and friends, others for work outings. Just a heads-up, we are now booking for the end of July and beyond, so keep that in mind if you are planning an outing. Give us a call at 313-656-2453 or email us at info@wheelhousedetroit.com to set one up!
Classes & Workouts! Mark your calendars for our bi-weekly bike maintenance classes taught by our friends at Fender Bender! The two-hour Tuesday workshops includes instruction on how to change a flat, patch a tube, adjust your seat and handlebars plus some trouble-shooting tips, Rules of the Road discussion and commuting guidelines. Classes cost just $5 and include a patch kit. Remaining dates are June 26; July 10 and 24; August 14 and 28; and September 11 and 25. They start at 6 p.m. sharp and are first-come, first-serve.
Every other Wednesday, join us for Wheelhouse Workouts, a 20-mile fitness ride at a moderate pace (12 to 15 mph) with a varying route. This ride is offered in conjunction with our friends at FitnessWorks, who will kindly provide participants with a rest and water stop. Remaining dates are July 18; August 1 and 15; and September 5 and 19. This ride is FREE!
Wear Wheelhouse! Our sharp Wheelhouse t-shirts are available at the shop for $15, or you can pick one up online here for $20 (as modeled by Wheelhouse's own Adam Bedell, starting defender for Detroit City FC).
Other Great Bike Happenings Coming up on June 30 is The Thunderdrome! a two-wheeled race (both motorized and non- in several different classes) that takes place at the until-recently abandoned Dorais Velodrome in northeast Detroit. It costs 5 bucks to spectate, and that enters you into a raffle for this new bike provided by none other than the Wheelhouse! It should be a fun event to ride or watch!
Registration is open for the Eleventh Annual Tour de Troit. This year, the date is September 15. Early bird registration is open through June; the price starts to jump after that! More info in future editions about the Colin Hubbell Memorial Ride (August 11), Jcycle II (August 19) and Compuware Motor City Bike Ride (August 25).
Don't forget! Wheelhouse provides free bike valet at all Detroit City FC home games, which are held at Cass Tech. You can find us on the south end of the field. The remaining games are 23 and July 1, with playoffs expected. If you haven't made it to a match yet, you are really missing something special. We love Le Rouge!
Here at the Wheelhouse, we strive to provide a great offering of bike-related retail stock and exceptional bike service. We turn bikes around typically in one to six days and are still carrying an array of new bikes and bike accessories at what we consider to be fair prices!
Thanks for your patronage, Your Friends at Wheelhouse Detroit
May E-Blast
We believe our monthly email missives are truly the best way to stay up-to-date with Wheelhouse goings-on. Check out our latest and, if you agree, sign up at wheelhousedetroit.com! Hello there, Wheelhouse friend!
We are now fully entrenched in our seven-day-a-week summer schedule. We are open Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and on Sundays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. The only day we will be closed this month is May 30, when we'll take a belated day off for Memorial Day. Otherwise, come by during our posted hours and we promise that we will be here rain or shine!
Retail+Service Looking for a new ride? Look no further! We have hybrids and cruisers starting at just $300. We carry Kona, Origin 8 and Sun. For an updated list of bikes currently on the floor, head over to Bikes for Sale.
We stock a wide variety of accessories that can make your bike prettier, tougher, more utilitarian…whatever you desire it to be! We carry pumps, lights, racks, baskets, saddles, pedals, fenders, bells and helmets...and if we don't carry it, we get special orders in weekly.
Never let it be said that we put the cart before the horse: we finally have t-shirts! Featuring our street/spoke logo in white on black and retailing for $15, you'll want to buy a spare!
Tune-ups are back to regular price: 50 bucks. We pride ourselves on quality service and a quick turn-around, so drop your bike off and, when you pick it up, we believe that you will be highly satisfied with the results. And if you are not? We promise to rectify the situation.
Tour the city with Wheelhouse! We blast into our peak tour season with our May roster, which includes at least three tours a week. This weekend features Architecture (5/5 10 a.m.), Underground Railroad (5/5 1 p.m.) and Grandmont Rosedale (5/6 11 a.m.). The rest of the month features Urban Agriculture, Eastern Market, Hamtramck, Belle Isle, Midtown/Woodbridge, Murals of Southwest Detroit, Automotive Heritage, Southwest Detroit/Fort Wayne, Public Art and our favorite Memorial Day Weekend treat: Techno in the 313. Be sure to visit wheelhousedetroit.com/tours to read up on our complete roster of offerings and to make a reservation.
Our tours are a fun and healthy way to explore the city, and we believe that even life-long Detroiters will learn a thing or two on them! To make sure that we have accurate and up-to-date information, we partner with community organizations and then share a portion of the proceeds -- over $6,000 to date -- with the group that helped us design and execute the tour. Some of our partners include People for Palmer Park, Bridging Communities, Automotive National Heritage Area, Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance, the Sierra Club, Villages CDC and the Belle Isle Conservancy.
We also offer private group tours, which are great as a corporate team-building exercise, non-profit fund-raiser, conference activity or pre-wedding excursion. Group rentals are also available at a discounted rate with an advance reservation. Give us a call at 313-656-2453 or email us at info@wheelhousedetroit.com and we'll set something up!
Fender Bender Maintenance Classes Mark your calendars for our bi-weekly bike maintenance classes taught by our friends at Fender Bender! The two hour Tuesday workshops includes instruction on how to change a flat, patch a tube, adjust your seat and handlebars plus some trouble-shooting tips, Rules of the Road discussion and commuting guidelines. Classes cost just $5 and include a patch kit. Dates are May 8 and 22; June 12 and 26; July 10 and 24; August 14 and 28; and September 11 and 25. They start at 6 p.m. sharp and are first-come, first-serve.
Wednesday Wheelhouse Workouts Every other Wednesday, join us for Wheelhouse Workouts, a 20-mile fitness ride at a casual pace (12 to 15 mph) with a varying route. This ride is offered in conjunction with our friends at FitnessWorks, who will kindly provide participants with a rest and water stop. Dates are May 16; June 6 and 20; July 18; August 1 and 15; and September 5 and 19. This ride is FREE!
Other Great Events There is a great number of exciting rides in Detroit this year, and we wanted to make sure that we at least inform you of the ones in which we are involved!
- Ride of Silence: An annual, national, slow-paced bicycle ride that honors those cyclists who have been killed or injured while cycling on public roadways. The 10-mile Detroit Ride of Silence will be on May 16 at Belle Isle leaving from Scott Fountain promptly at 7:00 pm.
- Cycle Into Spring: Join the Detroit Eastside Community Collaborative for this inaugural event on May 19 to raise funds for the Conner Creek Greenway. The 20-mile route will begin and end at Maheras Gentry Park on the shores of the Detroit River; sites include Mt. Olivet Cemetery and Chandler Park. The ride costs $25 or $35 with lunch from Slow's Bar B Q. Join us on the Eastside for a fun ride for a great cause! Registration is open.
- Detroit Up North Ride: We're hitting the road to Port Austin! There are one- and two-day options for this 150-mile haul and you can also choose to camp with us if you so please. Get the deets here and register here.
- Tour de Troit: Registration is open for the Eleventh Annual Tour de Troit. This year, the date is September 15. We're looking at 5,000 participants this year, so lock your spot in early!
We will have more information on other rides we support in future E-Blasts, including Cycle for Literacy (June 16), Bike the Bridge (June 17), Colin Hubbell Memorial Ride (August date TBD), Jcycle II (August 19) and Compuware Motor City Bike Ride (August 25).
One last thing: Wheelhouse will be providing free bike parking at all Detroit City FC home games, which will be held at Cass Tech. The matches are set for May 12 and 26; June 2, 16 and 23; and July 1. We are super excited to support Le Rouge!
See you soon at the Wheelhouse…and on the road!
Looking forward to a great summer, Your Friends at Wheelhouse Detroit
1340 E. Atwater Detroit, MI 48207 313-656-BIKE (2453) www.wheelhousedetroit.com wheelhousedetroit.wordpress.com Become a Facebook Fan of Wheelhouse Detroit Bike Shop!
WH + Detroit City FC
We are thrilled to announce that we will be providing free bike parking at Detroit City FC home matches, which will be held at Cass Tech. Check out more info at their website and get connected on Facebook.
Sunday is the last day to purchase a $30 season ticket and get a scarf thrown in. What a deal!
You can buy online or head over to Nancy Whiskey's in North Corktown to purchase in-person starting at 7:30 p.m..
Viva Le Rouge!