Job Posting: Cadillac Square Rental Operator
Job Title: Cadillac Square Rental Operator
Pay Rate: $9/hour to start w/ $1/hr raise in 30 days w/adequate performance Hours: 42/week (Tuesday-Saturday) There is some flexibility with days/hours, but a regular set schedule is a must.
Duties: Wheelhouse Detroit will be operating bicycle rentals at Cadillac Square this summer and we're looking for someone who loves bikes, people and Detroit to rent bikes for us! The Operator will be responsible to collect payment and signed waivers as well as adjust seat heights for customers to ensure they are comfortable. Helmets and locks will be provided as well.
Skills: Scared to talk to strangers? Need not apply. This job will require cash management, so some retail experience is preferred. Minor mechanical skills, including the ability to change a flat tire is preferred. Must have weekend and holiday availability.
The ideal candidate will be comfortable with diverse clientele and the ability to provide basic recommendations on cycling in Detroit. The ideal candidate will be willing to commit to working 5 days a week through August 31. (Planned vacations/days off not-withstanding, of course!)
No uniform is required, although we will provide you with a couple of t-shirts. Open-toed shoes and fancy clothes are not recommended.
There will also be opportunities to pick up Bike Parking shifts, which pays $8/hour and sometimes comes with free event tickets (ie, Movement Festival, Detroit City FC matches). It’s probably the most fun you can have working.
This job is at-will, part-time and seasonal.
Send resume and three references to info@wheelhousedetroit.com. No calls, please.