Job Posting: Bicycle Service Tech
Job Title: Bicycle Service Tech
Pay Rate: $9-11/hour depending on level of experience. Hours: 10-32/week. Evaluation and raise after 30 days.
Location: Shifts are available at both Rivertown and Hamtramck locations.
Duties: A Bicycle Service Technician is an integral component of a multi-faceted bike shop that services a diverse clientele with a strong focus on customer service. Their primary responsibility is to ensure a smooth running service department at all times. This can include assembling new bicycles; servicing customer bicycles; assisting in the maintenance of the rental fleet; and contributing to the inventory management, cleanliness and organization of the service department.
This job requires a positive attitude, strong teamwork skills, willingness to learn on the job and absorb constructive feedback, and mechanical experience. Proven customer-service experience and/or prior bike shop experience would be a plus.
You will report directly to the Service Department Manager and General Manager. A successful candidate will contribute to the overall success of the company by participating in all aspects of the business, including a willingness to assist on the retail floor and with bicycle rentals as necessary.
Due to the seasonal nature of this position, candidate must have weekend and holiday availability.
No uniform is required, although we will provide you with a couple of t-shirts. No open-toed shoes. Fancy clothes are not recommended.
Extra shifts may become available, including Bike Parking and Tour Sweeper.
This job is at-will, part-time, and seasonal. Season is May-September.
Send resume or summary of work experience and three references to info@wheelhousedetroit.com.
Job Posting: General Shop Help
Job Title: Shop Helper
Pay Rate: $8/hour Hours: 10-20/week
Duties: A shop helper at Wheelhouse Detroit is an integral part of a busy, multi-faceted bike shop that services a diverse clientele with a strong focus on customer service. S/he will assist with renting bikes; general inquiries; minor mechanical issues such as changing a flat tire; restocking inventory; cleaning…and whatever else needs to get done!
Skills: The most important thing necessary for this job is the willingness to jump in and get your hands dirty! Scared to talk to strangers? Need not apply. This job can be high-energy and it can be fun. It can be stressful and it can be quiet. A successful candidate will be quick on their feet and nimble of mind. Must have weekend and holiday availability.
This job is the starting position at the Wheelhouse and, depending on your skill-set, can lead to another position at a higher wage fairly quickly (ie, Tour Sweeper, Mechanic or Retailer). Most shifts are 5-6 hours a stretch. No uniform is required, although we will provide you with a couple of t-shirts. No open-toed shoes and fancy clothes are not recommended.
There will also be opportunities to pick up Bike Parking shifts, which also pays $8/hour and sometimes comes with free event tickets (ie, Movement Festival, Detroit City FC matches). It's probably the most fun you can have working.
This job is at-will, part-time and seasonal. Season is May-September.
Send resume and three references to info@wheelhousedetroit.com.
Job Posting: Shop Helper
Job Title: Shop Helper
Pay Rate: $8/hour
Hours: 15/week
Duties: A shop helper at Wheelhouse Detroit is an integral part of a busy, multi-faceted bike shop. S/he will assist with renting bikes; customer service; minor mechanical issues such as changing a flat tire; restocking inventory; cleaning...and whatever else needs to get done! Skills: The most important thing necessary for this job is the willingness to jump in and get your hands dirty! Scared to talk to strangers? Need not apply. This job can be high-energy and it can be fun. It can be stressful and it can be quiet. A successful candidate will be quick on their feet and nimble of mind. Must have weekend availability. Send resume and three references to info@wheelhousedetroit.com.