Lucinda Means Advocacy Day
If you are all fired up about making streets safer for cyclists, consider heading to Lansing on May 26 for Lucinda Means Advocacy Day. League of Michigan Bicyclists hosts a day of meeting with lawmakers and, of course, a bike ride! It costs $10 and starts at 8:30 a.m.
The tentative schedule is:
8:30 am - Bike rally leaves from MSU Bikes to State Capitol 9:15 am - Opening session 10:15 am - Meetings with Representatives and Senators 1:00 pm - Lunch on Capitol grounds 2:00 pm - Group photo on Capitol steps 2:30 pm - Lansing by bicycle tour
This year, LMB is joining forces with Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance and Michigan Mountain Biking Association for a triple team of bike-related issues.
Find out more and register here.
We Support Complete Streets
Detroit's relatively well-maintained wide roads, built for a much-larger population, mean that Motor City cyclists have it relatively easy. We get to cruise down streets with nary a car in sight oftentimes! But that doesn't mean that things can't be better. Complete Streets are those that are designed so that they are safe for cyclists, pedestrians and the handicapped -- not just for moving the maximum number of cars at a time.
This brochure breaks down the concept pretty clearly: cs-brochure-features
The Michigan Complete Streets Coalition is working to make this concept a reality statewide, meaning that any road built or even rebuilt would align with the Complete Streets model. This weekend is the Michigan Bike Summit, pushing this issue is at the top of cycling advocates' agenda. Can't make it to Lansing on Saturday? You can still support safer roadways by signing the petition.
Bike Summit 2010
Kelli attended the 2010 Bike Summit in Washington, DC last week and came back brimming with ideas from around the country. A random sampling of thoughts and ideas...
(Kelli on a pedicab on Capitol Hill!)
- Revolution Cycles in DC has added a fourth location that functions as bike share, rentals, service and retail accessories. It was interesting to hear a larger retailer talk about rentals turning more people into cyclists, ultimately helping his business. We would concur!
- Learned a bit about the cycling commuter tax benefit, although more research is in order. Certainly, our employees would qualify...
- Adventure Cycling, an organization we first encountered last year when they came to town to discuss the Underground Railroad Cycling Route they are working on, talked about cycling tourism as a growing industry. This is a concept we are really trying to nudge our Convention & Visitors Bureau to "get." So far, not a whole lotta luck, but we'll keep plugging away.
- Quebec's La Route Verte bicycle route looks amazing. Road trip 2011?
- The Michigan delegation at the summit, which included -- among others -- Todd Scott of Michigan Trails and Greenways Alliance, John and Wes from PEAC, John Lindenmeyer from League of Michigan Bicyclists, Rory Neuner from Safe Routes to School and two guys from Copper Harbor that are building an amazing trail system up there in the UP, spent a day meeting with staffers from the offfices of Senators Carl Levin and Debbie Stabenow as well as members of Congress. We discussed Complete Streets and other issues near and dear to our hearts, and heard many comments about how much more sophisticated and persuasive the bike lobby has become over the last decade.
- All in all, it was a great experience. Special thanks to the National Bicycle Dealers Association for the new bike shop scholarship that afforded Kelli the trip!